23rd in Nashville

Hi ya'll!

So I had the most amazing opportunity to spend my 23rd birthday in the one and only "music city", Nashville Tennessee. OMG!

But, first I had to get there. Being that my mom and I were in Montana, we had no choice but to fly from Kalispell on a one-stop flight to Nashville. Much like me, your first reaction is probably something like there's an airport in Kalispell?!
First hand, I can assure you, that yes there is in fact an airport in little old Kalispell. It looks more like a double-wide, but hey, if it gets me to Nashville count me in! This little plane did just fine getting us safely to Minneapolis and further to Nashville. Unfortunately though, flu season got the best of me, and throughout the trip I was suffering from raging flu symptoms.

After a few short hours (many of which I carried a steady buzz from popping Nyquil), we witnessed the city lights from above Nashville. We made it! Well...we sort of made it by that point. Little did we know, Nashville is quite difficult to navigate through in the dark, so after over an hour of driving around lost (and many more Nyquil tablets), we made it to our hotel just before midnight.
 After a much needed rest, the day was finally here! My birthday had arrived, and I couldn't have asked for a better day with my beautiful mom. We started things off right and ordered some room service breakfast--after the pizza we ordered late the night before, our room was starting to look like we were rock stars! We then decided to spend the day downtown before heading to the famous Bluebird Café for our reservations at 6pm. We saw everything! We walked and walked all day to explore the entire downtown area-I was so amazed at the history and beauty of the city!The first thing we saw when we arrived downtown was the Bridgestone arena! All my fellow hockey fan friends need to come visit--the arena is within stumbling distance of all the great bars, and I'm betting the tickets are cheap ;)
After some more exploring, mamma and I found some funky side streets to explore that really shed the light on what to expect for the night life in Nashville. There are bars everywhere and they all have live music and are amazing venues; it left us with a hard decision about where to spend our only night! But what's a birthday walk without a photo shoot? And what better way to have some fun than finding a random bubble machine in a back alley downtown Nashville. Obviously, we took advantage...Another great photo opp was at Legends Corner--just across from the Bridgestone and at the heart of Broadway. Legends is one of the more popular bars downtown with live music, and was blessed later in the evening with our presence ;)
As the day went on, we saw so many beautiful monuments around downtown. I won't bore you with my ooh-ing and ahh-ing over architectural beauty, but there were a few photos that deserve some credit-even if it is on my rookie blog site. They can be seen in an unorganized fashion below :)
My mom and I made a unanimous decision that this is by far the most important monument in Nashville. Something that is overlooked by every travel guide and every hotel concierge. Not only did we agree on the histological importance of this gem, but we agreed it's the best looking man in Nashville. I'd choose those God-like buns over wrangler butts any day! This one's for you ladies.
But, we can't forget, the most memorable and highest recommended adventure my mom and I went on was to the Bluebird Cafe. For those of you who aren't Nashville addicts, the Bluebird is a tiny little café in Nashville where up and coming artists and songwriters get discovered by folks in the music industry. If you're ever in Nashville, go to the Bluebird! I've never experienced such an intimate atmosphere with such talented people. Go to the Bluebird, I promise you won't regret it. And for the record-if you're interested, we attended "songwriters night" and these artists are worth a listen: Kelsea Ballerini (may just be the next TSwift), Shaunna Bolten, Adam Hambrick (especially him-he is unreal), and Forest Whitehead (just signed a deal and releasing a song this month). I can't say enough good things about our adventure to the Bluebird,  and the best part is, it's free! Go to the Bluebird, I just can't say it enough!
As the evening progressed, I have a lot of blurred memories. It may have been the cough medicine I was chugging in the bathroom of the bars we attended (imagine Lil' Wayne with his syzurp)--or it could have been the stiff drinks that were being poured for the "blonde babes". My guess it's due to a combination of the two ;)
Thanks for the great night mom, I won't forget it.
The Wannabe



1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellis. Mor Mor wants to try to post to your blog. Just testing it out...
